Lillee Jean's letter, updating fans, and her constituents, about Project Bullyish.

I started Project Bullyish for my voice to be heard. Now, it has become my passion project. While federal and state laws do exist for online misusage, none of these laws are used effectively.
Personally, I have experienced significant amounts of online bullying, and cyberstalking, throughout my life, which have excessively deprived me of my civil and digital rights. Due to the large number of credible death threats I have received, a criminal investigation has been opened on my behalf, by the Queens District Attorney’s Office. Sadly, and not surprisingly, a vast majority of the threats I have received, come from sites that are linked to recent tragic mass shootings.
As of today, I have used my constituent rights and contacted my State Senator, Senator John Liu, to further assist, in pursuing justice in my case, as well as to further advocate for meaningful changes in our justice system. It is imperative that civil rights and civil digital rights are elaborated on, and enforced. The events that have unfolded over the last few days have strengthened my resolve to advocate for change.
Digital rights are human rights, and they should be exercised to protect the victims, and better define the term "Freedom of Speech." Freedom of Speech does not mean to slander, defame, hate, or threaten someone's life.
Educate. Advocate.
- Lillee Jean
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