Peony and Violet, a film directed by Lillee Jean, explores the unique bond between twin sisters living in their own little world. This teaser trailer for the short film project shows that they share everything with each other. However, when Peony unexpectedly makes an impromptu phone call, she is taken aback by Violet's newfound seriousness and zest for life.
Watch Peony & Violet here:
Watch the trailer for 'Peony & Violet' by Lillee Jean:
©2023 Lillee Jean. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
About Lillee Jean:
Lillee Jean is an actress and filmmaker. She debuted two short films, directed, produced, and written by herself including 'The Pauper Of Shoes' (2022), and 'Peony and Violet' (2023). She has a new webseries called 'So Lillo Qui', where monologues are reimagined.
Lillee Jean 'Peony & Violet' Trailer
Peony & Violet (2023)
Director: Lillee Jean Trueman
Producer: Lillee Jean Trueman
Writer: Lillee Jean Trueman
Editor: Lillee Jean Trueman
Cinematography: Lillee Jean Trueman
Lillee Jean (Peony, Violet)
©2023 Lillee Jean. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
This short motion picture is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America, and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, or use of all or part of this motion picture may result in civil liability, and/or criminal prosecution in accordance with applicable laws. Any likeness is solely coincidental.