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Lillee Jean

Lillee Jean on Diamond Diva Show This Week Discussing Filmmaking Career

Lillee Jean on Diamond Diva Show This Week Discussing Filmmaking Career

Lillee Jean will be on Diamond Diva Entertainment's Diamond Showcase "Shine Bright" One-On-One Interview series on Sunday, August 25th at 4 PM EST!

The multi-talented Lillee Jean, is known for roles including Roxie in Miss Roxie (Best Women's Film Award Winning Indie Film/Filmnest), and Sabrina in The Trapper Trap: The Rise of Princess Glamourite (Best Poster, Best Costume Design, Best Trailer Awards).

She is recognized as an award-winning actress, director, writer, filmmaker, and entrepreneur, and will be engaging in a lively discussion on Instagram Live with the esteemed Host Diamond Diva @diamonddivaofficial. 

They will dive into exciting details about Lillee Jean's upcoming films such as The Chorus in Our Eyes, new wins on Project: Bullyish documentary, and much more!

Date: August 25th at 4 PM EST on  @diamonddivaofficial instagram (@LilleeJean joining in)


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